ウガンダ教育スポーツ省でのインターンシップ報告(石野 紗也子)
2014年10月15日(水)から17日(金)まで、「第15回International Conference on Education Research(ICER)」がソウル国立大学内Hoam Convention Centerにて開催されました。本年度のICERでは、小川啓一研究室から8名のゼミ生が研究成果を英語で発表しました。多くのゼミ生が夏季のインターンシップや調査で得たデータをもとに発表を行い、また博士前期課程1年のゼミ生にとっては初の国際学会での発表となりました。
自身の発表以外の時間では、世界各国から来られた研究者の方々の発表に参加しました。いずれの発表も大変興味深く、また今後の研究に活かせるような新たな視点を得ることが出来ました。加えて大会2日目のセッション終了後にはWelcome Partyが開催され、韓国の郷土料理や伝統芸能を堪能しながら、他大学の研究者との交流を行いました。
– | Haramoto, Yuki. “Impact of TVET on Women in Uganda”, Poster presented at the 15th International Conference on Education Research, Seoul National University, October, 2014. |
– | Kishi, Momoko. “Student’s Achievement Gap of ICT Educational System for Primary Student in Uganda”, Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Education Research, Seoul National University, October, 2014. |
– | Ma, Jingyuan. “Examining the Effect of School Resources on Pupil Achievement in Namibia Primary Schools”, Poster presented at the 15th International Conference on Education Research, Seoul National University, October, 2014. |
– | Motokawa, Masahito. “An Analysis on Internal Efficiency of Primary Education in Lao PDR”, Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Education Research, Seoul National University, October, 2014. |
– | Numasawa, Takeru. “Determinants of Teacher Absenteeism in the Ugandan Primary Schools”, Poster presented at the 15th International Conference on Education Research, Seoul National University, October, 2014. |
– | Onji, Asuka. “An Analysis of the Impact of School Feeding Program on Learning Achievement in Uganda”, Poster presented at the 15th International Conference on Education Research, Seoul National University, October, 2014. |
– | Sakaue, Katsuki. “Effects of Private Financing from Households on Primary School Attendance in Uganda”, Poster presented at the 15th International Conference on Education Research, Seoul National University, October, 2014. |
– | Yoshii, Shoko. “Effect of Muslim Culture on Children’s Primary Education in Indonesia: Focusing on Non-Muslim Communities”, Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Education Research, Seoul National University, October, 2014. |
(文責:神戸大学国際協力研究科博士課程前期 沼澤 建)