ウガンダ総理府インターンシップ報告(松浦 竜介)
I am Naikang Feng, a master student at Fudan University pursuing a master’s degree in international relations. I studied in GSICS at Kobe University for a double master’s degree in Economics from 2017 to 2018, under the supervision of Professor Keiichi Ogawa. Facts prove that the decision to join Ogawa seminar (zemi) is the best step I have ever taken in my life so far.
Reasons for being an Ogawalist abound, chief among them is the strength of Prof. Ogawa charisma. Professor Ogawa offers you a clear outlook of what constitutes a good career, and shows you every moment the meaning of proactivity, openness, professionalism, and efficiency. He never hesitates to involve himself wherever he can help his students fight for a better future, and represents everything the best supervisor can be in your life: a professional mentor, a good friend, and a life-long father figure. Benefited from the terrific opportunities Professor Ogawa offered, I conducted internships at World Bank in Washington, D.C and at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I also presented my research at the 2018 Campus Asia Program Annual Symposium in Seoul, South Korea. I made these within only one year, and it was the support from Professor Ogawa that empowered me to go further.
Diversity is another factor that helps Ogawa zemi stand out. Diversity generates competitive learning environment and inspires knowledge sharing. In Ogawa zemi, you can enjoy the best advantage of involving in cross-cultural communications. The internationalized structure of students also guarantees an exposure to a variety of different experiences and backgrounds. I prefer to say that I enjoyed every moment of my stay in Ogawa zemi, and it turned out to be a warm family that made me feel at home.
Surviving in Ogawa zemi may be painful sometimes, especially when it’s difficult to handle the mounting homework with a single hand. However, Ogawa zemi also makes you more competitive and stronger. If you are the one with great passion for global education development and interests in working in international organizations such as World Bank and UNESCO, Ogawa zemi is the best place to make your dream reality!
Ms. Naikang Feng
Master of Economics (Kobe University)
Master of Laws (Fudan University)