2017年3月5日(日)から9日(木)まで、米国アトランタのシェラトン・アトランタホテルにて、北米を中心とする比較国際教育学会(Comparative and International Education Society: CIES)の第61回年次総会(国際大会)が開催されました。本大会では、小川啓一教授と小川ゼミOG/OBであられる芦田明美博士(東京大学)、坂上勝基博士(神戸大学)、小川ゼミ生のLoleka Yungu Bernard 氏と岡本栄雄が、研究成果の口頭発表を英語で行いました。また、小川ゼミOBの島田健太郎博士(京都大学)も本学会に参加されました。
- Ashida, A., “Comparative analysis of children’s enrollment patterns in different areas of Honduras”, Paper presented at the 61st Comparative and International Education Society’s Annual Meeting, Atlanta, March, 2017.
- Ogawa, K. “Comparative Analysis of Financing for Early Childhood Care and Education in Asia and the Pacific”, Paper presented at the 61st Comparative and International Education Society’s Annual Meeting, Atlanta, March, 2017.
- Okamoto, T. “The Effect of Conflict on Rate of Return to Education: Case of Timor-Leste”, Paper presented at the 61st Comparative and International Education Society’s Annual Meeting, Atlanta, March, 2017.
- Sakaue, K. “Private schools and equal access to quality primary education in rural Uganda”, Paper presented at the 61st Comparative and International Education Society’s Annual Meeting, Atlanta, March, 2017.
- Yungu, B. “The Analysis of Household Characteristics and their Impact on Basic School Attainment in the Democratic Republic of Congo,” Paper presented at the 61st Comparative and International Education Society’s Annual Meeting, Atlanta, March, 2017.

(文責: 博士課程前期2年 岡本栄雄)
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