2020年11月13日(土)と14日(日)にかけて、国際基督教大学にて第17回International Education Development Forum(IEDF)がオンラインで開催されました。本フォーラムは、日本及び海外を含む11の大学に所属する教授や大学院生を対象とした学術研究会です。1日目の大会終了後にはオンライン交流会があり、他大学の教員・学生と交流する貴重な機会を得ることができました。
- Danilo, L. D. “A Relationship Between Management and Policy Implementation at Municipal Education Departments with Educational Outcomes for Primary Education in Brazil” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.63, 2020. (E)
- Handa, A. “The Effects of Parental Migration on Academic Achievement of Left Behind Children in Indonesia.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.66, 2020. (E)
- Kim, E. “Effects of Armed Conflicts on Years of Schooling in Cambodia.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.25, 2020. (E)
- Kobayashi, T. “Community and Parental Participation in School Management and Quality of Education: The Case of Bushenyi and Wakiso Districts in Uganda.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.27, 2020. (E)
- Li, S. “Examining The Effects of Maternal Employment on Children’s Cognitive and Non-cognitive Development in Uganda.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.21, 2020. (E)
- Masanobu, N. “Analysis of Contributing Factors which Accelerates Farmers Field School Forming and the Impact on the Agricultural Yielding in Uganda.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.30, 2020. (E)
- Matsuda, K. “Out-of-school Children with Disability In Indonesia.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.78, 2020. (E)
- Noguchi, M. “Equitable Access to Early Childhood Education in Lao PDR: Effects of Demand-Side and Supply-Side Factors.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.74, 2020. (E).
- Okuda, R. “Parental Perspectives on Education Based on Cultural Conception in The Republic of the Marshall Islands.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.46, 2020. (E)
- Pham, T. L. T. “Teachers’ Perceptions and Knowledge on Food and Nutrition Education for Kindergarteners in Vietnam.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.37, 2020. (E)
- Takasu, M. “The Relationship of Teacher Quality and Student Achievement: The Case of Secondary School in India.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.38, 2020. (E)
- Yagi, A. “Determinants of Household Expenditure on Early Childhood Development and Education in Kenya.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.68, 2020. (E)
- Yusuf, S. “Effects of Individual and Households’ Socioeconomic Status on Literacy Rates in Guinea.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.19, 2020. (E)
- Zhu, J. “Girls Empowerment and Sustainable Development: The Case of TVET in Laos.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.45, 2020. (E)
- Zohra, K. “In-Service Teacher Training and Pedagogical Skills Development of Secondary School Teachers in Bangladesh: Case of Khulna District.” Proceeding of the 17th International Education Development Forum, p.62, 2020. (E)
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