2023年4月8日(土)、9日(日)の2日間にわたり神戸大学大学院国際協力研究科(GSICS)にて第31回アフリカ教育研究学会(JSAER)が開催されました。本大会は、ハイブリッド方式で開催され、26名の研究者による研究発表が行われました。小川ゼミからは、1名の研究員、1名の修了生、4名の博士後期課程の学生、6名の博士前期課程の学生が研究案または研究成果について発表しました。博士後期課程に所属する内山かおりさんは、「An Analysis of Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Early Childhood Development in Ghana」というタイトルで研究成果を発表され「最優秀研究発表賞」を受賞されました。
- Deo, K. “Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Factors Influencing Primary School Students Learning Achievements in Burundi”, Proceedings of the 31st Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, p.23, 2023. (E)
- Furutani, Y. “An Analysis of Community Participation and Learning Achievement in Kenyan Primary Education”, Proceedings of the 31st Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, p.40, 2023. (E)
- Ishii, Y. “Determinants of Household Financing on Basic Education in Malawi”, Proceedings of the 31st Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, p.22, 2023. (E)
- Sanfo, J.M.B. “A Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Student Learning Achievements in Burkina Faso”, Proceedings of the 31st Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, p.34, 2023. (E)
- Sara, T. “Analysis of Maternal Education and Foundational Learning Skills in Zimbabwe”, Proceedings of the 31st Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, p.30, 2023. (E)
- Shimabe, K. “An Analysis of Pre-primary Education Experience and Academic Achievement in Ugandan Primary Education”, Proceedings of the 31st Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, p.24, 2023. (E)
- Sun, C. “Analysis of Child Discipline and Its Association with Foundational Learning Skills in Malawi”, Proceedings of the 31st Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, p.33, 2023. (E)
- Uchiyama, K. “An Analysis of Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Early Childhood Development in Ghana”, Proceedings of the 31st Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, p.32, 2023. (E)
- Uno, K. “Learning Disparities by Household Wealth in Ugandan Primary Schools: Catalytical Role of Distance Learning During Covid-19”, Proceedings of the 31st Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, p.16, 2023. (E)
- Xinyu, J. “A Study of Demand-side Factors Affecting Primary Students’ Decision to Drop out in Rural Malawi”, Proceedings of the 31st Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, p.35, 2023. (E)
- Yagi, A. “Expansion of Pre-primary Education and Student’s Learning Outcomes: Evidence from Universal Pre-primary Education Policy in Kenya”, Proceedings of the 31st Japan Society for Africa Educational Research, p.11, 2023. (E)
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