

本大会では、博士後期課程の藤原真美さんが「優秀ポスター発表賞」を受賞しました。また、博士後期課程の石井雄大さんと博士前期課程のSheikh Rashid Bin ISLAMさんが「優秀ポスター発表奨励賞」を受賞しました。

藤原真美さんの研究テーマは、“Higher Education Choice Process and Family Involvement in Cambodia”で、カンボジアを事例として、学生の高等教育選択に親以外の家族がどのように関与するのかについて質的手法を用いた分析を行いました。その結果、特に親の教育水準が低い場合に他の家族の関与が重要であること、家族の関与のパターンは家族構成、世帯収入、家族の職業と有意に関連することを明らかにしました。

石井雄大さんの研究テーマは、“An Analysis of Intrahousehold Decision-Making on Children’s Schooling in Malawi Primary Education: Focused on Matrilocal Settlements”で、マラウイを事例として、母系地域における女性の世帯内意思決定と子供の初等教育の就学について、質的及び量的手法の両方を用いた分析を行いました。その結果、母系地域における女性の世帯内意思決定が子供の就学に正の影響を与えることを明らかにしました。また、マラウイの母系地域において、夫のみが世帯内意思決定を行うのではなく、妻の交渉プロセスが子供の初等教育に関する決定に関与していることを明らかにしました。

Sheikh Rashid Bin ISLAMさんの研究テーマは、“An Analysis of Household Factors and its Implications on the Foundational Learning Skills of Primary School Students of Bangladesh”で、バングラデシュを事例として、初等教育における基礎的学習スキルと家庭要因の関係性について量的手法を用いた分析を行いました。その結果、子供の年齢、母親の学歴、世帯の社会経済的状況等の世帯要因が子供の基礎的学習スキルに正の影響を与えることを明らかにしました。また、この研究結果を通して、子供の家事への関与やしつけが基礎的学習スキルと正の相関を示すことを強調しています。


Afridi, M, K. “An analysis of the Influence of Child Labour on School Attendance and Educational Attainment of Primary and Secondary School Children in Bangladesh” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p34, 2024 (E)

Aung, H, M. “Analysis of the Influence of Teacher Absenteeism on Students’ Academic Achievements in Six Southeast Asian Countries” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p33, 2024 (E)

Bekele, M, M. “Two-Stage Analysis of the Efficiency of Public Primary Schools in Ethiopia (Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Tobit Regression)” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p33, 2024 (E)

Ehab, T. “An Analysis of the correlation between Local Language Literacy and Lower Grades Students’ Academic Achievement” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p33, 2024 (E)

Fujiwara, M. “Higher Education Choice Process and Family Involvement in Cambodia” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p34, 2024 (E)

Guo, R. “Influences of Private Tutoring and Teacher Quality on Academic Achievement in Secondary Education in Cambodia” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p34, 2024 (E)

Hassan, R. “Moderating Role of Parental Socioeconomic Status on the Relationship between Parental Involvement and Children’s Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) Skills in Bangladesh” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p34, 2024 (E)

Ishii, Y. “An Analysis of Intrahousehold Decision-Making on Children’s Schooling in Malawi Primary Education: Focused on Matrilocal Settlements” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p33, 2024 (E)

Lyu, S. “An Analysis of ICT Usage in Teaching and Learning on Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement in Cambodia.” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p34, 2024 (E)

Mizukure, M. “An Analysis of the Relationship between Menstrual Hygiene Management and Girl’s Academic Achievement in Primary Education in Uganda -Case Studies in the Wakiso, Mukono and Jinja Districts-” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p33, 2024 (E)

Purwanti, Y. “Education Level, Income and Happiness Index in Urban Area: Evidence from Jakarta, Indonesia” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p34, 2024 (E)

Rashid, I. “An Analysis of Household Factors and its Implications on the Foundational Learning Skills of Primary School Students of Bangladesh” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p34, 2024 (E)

Uno, K. “Heterogeneous Effect of Pre-primary School Attendance on Child Development in Bangladesh” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p34, 2024 (E)

Yao, J. “Analyzing the Influence of Home Language on Primary Students’ Academic Achievements in Lao PDR” Proceedings of the 25th Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p34, 2024 (E)

文責: 水呉真侑子 (博士前期課程)