2022年6月18日(土)、国際開発学会の第23回春季大会がオンラインで開催されました。地域、教育、子供、開発、NGO、SDGs、災害、環境、社会経済などのテーマを含む17セッションとポスターセッション(オンデマンドビデオ、及びオンラインQ&A)が行われました。ポスターセッションでは、小川ゼミの学生11名が研究成果を発表しました。博士課程前期課程の松田さんが、「An Analysis of Access to Education for Children with Disability in Indonesia」をテーマに発表し、「優秀ポスター発表賞」を受賞しました。四肢等に身体的障害のある子どもは、初等教育に就学できないリスクが高いことを明らかにし、さらに交差項を用いることで、「障がいと性別」・「障がいと貧困」というような二重のディスアドバンテージと初等教育就学との相関関係がないことを実証し、問題意識の独自性と障害のタイプ分けなど丁寧な考察に裏付けられた点が高く評価されました。
- Manhisse, N. “Are poor smallholder farmer’s children being left at the bottom of the education pyramid in Mozambique?”, Proceeding of the 23rd Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p.265, 2022. (E)
- Noguchi, M. “Influences of School-Based Management on Primary School Students’ Learning Outcomes in Lao PDR”, Proceeding of the 23rd Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p.264, 2022. (E)
- Dalmon, L. D. “The Implementation of Practices Related to Student Achievement by Municipal Governments in Brazil”, Proceeding of the 23rd Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p.160-163, 2022. (E)
- Hirose, M. “Effects of Caregivers’ Involvement in Early Child’s Cognitive Development in Mongolia”, Proceeding of the 23rd Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p.258, 2022. (E)
- Matsuda, K. “An Analysis of Access to education for Children with Disability in Indonesia”, Proceeding of the 23rd Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p.266, 2022. (E)
- Minami, R. “Hierarchical Liner Model Analysis of ICT Usage for Primary School Student’s Learning Outcome in Ethiopia”, Proceeding of the 23rd Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p.259, 2022. (E)
- Ogura, N. “The Analysis of Early Childhood Reading and Parental Involvement on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Development in Vietnam”, Proceeding of the 23rd Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p.256, 2022. (E)
- Ishii, Y. “An Analysis of Rural-Urban Learning Performance Inequality in Malawi Primary Education”, Proceeding of the 23rd Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p.260, 2022. (E)
- Suzuki, S. “A Transition in Household Factors Associated with Educational Attainment in Mexico”, Proceeding of the 23rd Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p.261, 2022. (E)
- Uchiyama, K. “Effects of ECE on Literacy Development: A case of Uganda”, Proceeding of the 23rd Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p.262, 2022. (E)
- Uno, K. “Free Pre-primary Education Policy for Equitable Access to Education in Bangladesh”, Proceeding of the 23rd Japan Society for International Development Spring Conference, p.263, 2022. (E)
文責:石井雄大 (博士前期課程2年)
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