本書の出版において、小川啓一教授は編集者として、また4つの章の執筆者として大きく貢献しました。また、本書には、小川ゼミの卒業生である芦田明美准教授(名古屋大学)、ジェームズ・ウォカダラ准教授(マケレレ大学)、チェア パル博士(世界銀行)、および現小川ゼミ修士課程の学生であるシェイク・ラシッド・ビン・イスラムさんが各章の共著者として貢献しています。
- Introduction (Dr. Takeshi Sekiya, Dr. Akemi Ashida)
- Challenges for Providing Quality Education in Central America: Lessons from the Achievements of the Past Four Decades (Dr. Akemi Ashida, Dr. Takeshi Sekiya)
- Notable Progress and Prospective Challenges in Diverse Regions of South and Southeast Asia (Dr. Natsuho Yoshida)
- Access or Quality? New Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa (Dr. Naruho Ezalo, Dr. Keiichi Ogawa)
- Who Has Still Been Left Behind? A Comparative Analysis of Children’s Enrolment Patterns in Different Geographical Areas of Honduras (Dr. Akemi Ashida, Dr. Takeshi Sekiya)
- Changes in Female Primary and Secondary School Enrolment in El Salvador Since the Early 1980s (Dr. Akemi Ashida)
- Barriers to Completion of Basic Education: Individual Children’s Actual Enrolment Status in Nepal (Dr. Naruho Ezaki)
- Analysis of Enrolment Patterns in Myanmar’s Primary Education by Socioeconomic Status (Dr. Natsuho Yoshida)
- Impact of ‘Ethnic Affinity’ Between Teachers and Children on Enrolment Status: Evidence from the Northern Lao PDR (Dr. Natsuho Yoshida)
- Examining Student Enrolment Patterns: Case of Lower Secondary School in Siem Reap, Cambodia (Dr. Akemi Ashida, Dr. Chea Phal, Dr. Yuto Kitamura)
- Analysis of Student Retention in Primary Education Level Under Mongolia’s Automatic Promotion Policy (Dr. Keiichi Ogawa, Dr. Khishigbuyan Dayan-Ochir, Mr. Sheikh Rashid Bin Islam)
- Educational Strategies of Children Living in a Developing Country: A Longitudinal School Record Study of Malawi Secondary Schools (Dr. Jun Kawaguchi)
- Analysis of Students’ Flow Patterns from Primary Through Lower Secondary Cycle Under Automatic Promotion Policy in Uganda (Dr. James Wokadala, Dr. Keiichi Ogawa)
- Individual Learners’ Enrolment Status in Primary and Secondary Education: A Case Study of a Rural City in Zambia (Dr. Naruho Ezaki)
- Common Enrolment Patterns, Grade Repetition and Unique Cases: International Comparative Analysis on Enrolment Status (Dr. Naruho Ezaki)
- Lessons from Japanese Educational Development Experiences: Comparison of Enrolment Status Between Developing Countries and the Meiji Period of Japan (Dr. Natsuho Yoshida)
- Conclusion: Prospects and Implications from Individual Children’s School Enrolment Analysis (Dr. Takeshi Sekiya, Dr. Keiichi Ogawa, Dr. Yuto Kitamura, Dr. Akemi Ashida)
神大人の本: https://www.kobe-u.ac.jp/shindai-books/books/2025/01_15-0/
文責: 宇野耕平(博士後期課程)
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