書籍出版『Towards Ensuring Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education for All: Analyzing School Enrollment Patterns』



本書の出版において、小川啓一教授は編集者として、また4つの章の執筆者として大きく貢献しました。また、本書には、小川ゼミの卒業生である芦田明美准教授(名古屋大学)、ジェームズ・ウォカダラ准教授(マケレレ大学)、チェア パル博士(世界銀行)、および現小川ゼミ修士課程の学生であるシェイク・ラシッド・ビン・イスラムさんが各章の共著者として貢献しています。


  1. Introduction (Dr. Takeshi Sekiya, Dr. Akemi Ashida)
  2. Challenges for Providing Quality Education in Central America: Lessons from the Achievements of the Past Four Decades (Dr. Akemi Ashida, Dr. Takeshi Sekiya)
  3. Notable Progress and Prospective Challenges in Diverse Regions of South and Southeast Asia (Dr. Natsuho Yoshida)
  4. Access or Quality? New Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa (Dr. Naruho Ezalo, Dr. Keiichi Ogawa)
  5. Who Has Still Been Left Behind? A Comparative Analysis of Children’s Enrolment Patterns in Different Geographical Areas of Honduras (Dr. Akemi Ashida, Dr. Takeshi Sekiya)
  6. Changes in Female Primary and Secondary School Enrolment in El Salvador Since the Early 1980s (Dr. Akemi Ashida)
  7. Barriers to Completion of Basic Education: Individual Children’s Actual Enrolment Status in Nepal (Dr. Naruho Ezaki)
  8. Analysis of Enrolment Patterns in Myanmar’s Primary Education by Socioeconomic Status (Dr. Natsuho Yoshida)
  9. Impact of ‘Ethnic Affinity’ Between Teachers and Children on Enrolment Status: Evidence from the Northern Lao PDR (Dr. Natsuho Yoshida)
  10. Examining Student Enrolment Patterns: Case of Lower Secondary School in Siem Reap, Cambodia (Dr. Akemi Ashida, Dr. Chea Phal, Dr. Yuto Kitamura)
  11. Analysis of Student Retention in Primary Education Level Under Mongolia’s Automatic Promotion Policy (Dr. Keiichi Ogawa, Dr. Khishigbuyan Dayan-Ochir, Mr. Sheikh Rashid Bin Islam)
  12. Educational Strategies of Children Living in a Developing Country: A Longitudinal School Record Study of Malawi Secondary Schools (Dr. Jun Kawaguchi)
  13. Analysis of Students’ Flow Patterns from Primary Through Lower Secondary Cycle Under Automatic Promotion Policy in Uganda (Dr. James Wokadala, Dr. Keiichi Ogawa)
  14. Individual Learners’ Enrolment Status in Primary and Secondary Education: A Case Study of a Rural City in Zambia (Dr. Naruho Ezaki)
  15. Common Enrolment Patterns, Grade Repetition and Unique Cases: International Comparative Analysis on Enrolment Status (Dr. Naruho Ezaki)
  16. Lessons from Japanese Educational Development Experiences: Comparison of Enrolment Status Between Developing Countries and the Meiji Period of Japan (Dr. Natsuho Yoshida)
  17. Conclusion: Prospects and Implications from Individual Children’s School Enrolment Analysis (Dr. Takeshi Sekiya, Dr. Keiichi Ogawa, Dr. Yuto Kitamura, Dr. Akemi Ashida)



文責: 宇野耕平(博士後期課程)