2023年10月28日(土)と29(日)にかけて、名古屋大学にて第20回International Education Development Forum(IEDF)が開催されました。本フォーラムは、日本及び海外を含む招聘された12の大学に所属する教授や大学院生を対象とした学術研究会です。1日目の大会終了後には懇親会があり、他大学の研究者や実務者と交流する貴重な機会を得ることができました。神戸大学からは、合計26名の大学院生が研究発表を行い、それぞれのアドバイザーから大変貴重なコメントをいただきました。以下、小川ゼミの学生は、それぞれの研究計画及び研究成果の発表を行いました。
- Afridi, K. “Analysis of Perceived Importance of Soft Skills on Graduate Employability of Public University Graduates in Bangladesh” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.31, 2023, (E)
- Aung, H. M. “Analysis of Demand-Side and Supply-Side Factors on Grade 5 Student Learning Outcomes in Myanmar” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.26, 2023, (E)
- Bekele, M. M. “Internal Efficiency of Public Primary Schools in Ethiopia” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.76, 2023, (E)
- Danilo, L. D. “Cases Studies of Primary Education Policies from Brazil’s Municipal Education Departments as Positive and Negative Outliers” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.19, 2023, (E)
- Fujiwara, M. “Pathways to Higher Education Choice among Urban Students in Cambodia” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.41, 2023, (E)
- Furutani, Y. “Community Participation in School Management and Equity of Learning Achievement in Kenyan Primary Schools” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.39, 2023, (E)
- Hassan, R. “Influence of Gender on University Students’ Attitudes towards Digital Technology in Education (DTE): The Case of Bangladesh” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.37, 2023, (E)
- Hien, H. T. “Determinants of Academic Perfectionism in Vietnamese Secondary School Students” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.70, 2023, (E)
- Hiraoka, S. “The Relationship of Non-Cognitive Skills Training of TVET on Wage in the Case of Vietnam” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.66, 2023, (E)
- Ishii, Y. “Influence of Maternal Decision-making on Children’s Schooling in Malawi” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.35, 2023, (E)
- Jiling, Y. “Analyzing the Influence of Instructional Language and Parental Involvement on Grade 5 Students’ Academic Achievements in Lao PDR” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.34, 2023, (E)
- Kabanga, D. “Analysis of the Impact of Terrorism on Primary Education in SAHEL” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.30, 2023, (E)
- Kobayashi, K. “The Relationship Between Community and Parental Participation and Learning Outcomes in Ugandan Primary Education: An Examination of Cultural Capital Differences” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.39, 2023, (E)
- Man, Y. “An Analysis of the Demand-side Factors Associated with Primary Education Out-of-School in Nigeria” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.76, 2023, (E)
- Minami, R. “The Effect of Pre-Primary School Access on Maternal Employment in Ghana” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.21, 2023, (E)
- Mizukure, M. “Analysis of the Relationship between Menstruation-Related Issues and Academic Performance in Primary Education in Uganda” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.55, 2023, (E)
- Ogura, N. “The Analysis of the Impact of Mandatory Preschool Education on Parental Involvement in the Home-The Case of Vietnam” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.51, 2023, (E)
- Rashid, I. “Disability Inclusion in Higher Educational Institutes of Bangladesh: From the Viewpoint of Students with Disabilities” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.23, 2023, (E)
- Shi, L. “An Analysis of the Home-based Family Factors Affecting Early Childhood Development in Bangladesh” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.74, 2023, (E)
- Shimabe, K. “An Analysis of Teacher’s Violent Discipline on Pupil’s Academic Achievement in Ugandan Primary Education” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.44, 2023, (E)
- Sreymech, H. “An Analysis of Teacher Quality and Primary School Student Learning Achievement in Cambodia” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.25, 2023, (E)
- Sueda, R. “An Analysis of Quality of Teachers on Children’s Motivation in Primary Education in Lao PDR” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.72, 2023, (E)
- Ueno, R. “Beliefs and Behavior of Mothers Who Have Teenage Daughters on Sexuality Education in Unwanted Pregnancies among Adolescents in Urban Slum in the Philippines: A Case Study in Tondo District, Manila” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.33, 2023, (E)
- Wang, M. “Analysis of the Influence of Student and Family Factors on Learning Achievements in the Philippines” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.37, 2023, (E)
- Yagi, A. “Analysis of Persistent effects of Pre-primary Experience on Early Grade Learning Outcome in Kenya” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.68, 2023, (E)
- Yinkan, G. “An Analysis of the Relationship Between Early Childhood Education and Chilren’s Cognitive Development in the Philippines” Proceeding of the 20th International Education Development Forum, p.52, 2023, (E)
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